To get a high-quality erection, which is the basis for men's sexual prowess, it is important that the body receives everythingessential nutrients.
Many food products contain ingredients that are beneficial for men, but this is not enough to ensure a full sexual life and normal functioning of the prostate.
Therefore, it is recommended to take vitamins regularly to increase potency, available in pharmacies, sports nutrition stores or online stores.

Vitamins enhance male physiology
It has been scientifically proven that special vitamins for men to improve potency are important for sexual health, namely:
- regulate blood flow;
- optimize sperm quantity and quality;
- regulates the connection between the genitals and parts of the brain through activation of nerve impulses;
- improves the elasticity of arterial walls and capillaries;
- has the effect of strengthening the immune system.
Andrologists especially focus their patients' attention on the following vitamins and minerals, which are important for normal erection and full sexual life in men:
- zincincreases the quality and quantity of viable sperm, increases testosterone production, has a preventive effect on some diseases, and improves tissue regeneration;
- folic acid or vitamin B9, affects semen quality at the cellular level, but an excess of this substance in the body will increase the risk of prostate tumors;
- ascorbic acidmaintain a normal level of immune defense;
- vitamin Dstimulates desire at the emotional level and promotes androgen synthesis;
- tocopherol or vitamin E, regulates the level of sexual desire, while improving the condition of skin and hair;
- seleniumimprove the quality of fertility;
- vitamin AParticipates in activating the production of sex hormones.

Since vitamins are a proven and affordable way to maintain health, you should take them regularly and comprehensively, in courses 1-3 times a year, depending on how you feel.
The generally accepted practice is to use it during the cold season, which lasts from 30 to 60 days. But if necessary, you can use another regimen as prescribed by your doctor.
How to choose
- For young people from 20 to 40 years oldIt will be very effective to use complexes rich in lipoic acid, vitamin N, retinol, vitamin E and necessarily B vitamins.
The content of these vitamins and trace elements helps improve sperm quality, maintain good potency and a strong muscle tone, and neutralize the negative consequences of bad habits.
- In adulthood from 40 to 50 years oldMen should pay more attention to ascorbic acid and vitamins A and E, which will strengthen the immune system, regulate cardiovascular activity and help to slightly delay the appearance of obvious signs of aging.
- After 55 yearsYou should rely on medications and supplements high in vitamin D to preserve and improve bone tissue and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Vitamin complex for athletesindispensable for all men who practice vital physical activity.
The composition of such multivitamins requires tocopherol, retinol and the maximum content of B vitamins, becauseWith the help of these elements, athletes recover in a short time, while minimizingOptimizes the body's reserves and energy levels for endurance.
TOP 10 best vitamins for men
When choosing the best vitamins for men, it is important to determine the purpose and ultimate purpose of using such complexes.
Ideally, you should see a doctor who, after examining, testing and studying the appropriate results, will give a professional recommendation and determine exactly which dietary supplements or other pharmaceuticals areneeded for a particular patient.
If it is not possible to receive such consultation from a good hormone doctor or sexologist, you should use balanced multivitamin complexes, which will contain the whole range of useful ingredients.
- The vitamin complex is intended for a wide range of consumers, but is valuable for the stronger sex because it contains an extract from Siberian ginseng, as well as a set of trace elements that promote a stable erection.
Using this inexpensive but effective complex will provide:
- improve general health;
- improve body tone;
- improve sleep;
- increase immunity;
- a surge of energy and improved mood.
Nervous tension and overwork during the day do not have the best effect on male potency, and the use of vitamin supplements will help you maintain normal health not only emotionally, but alsoin terms of sexual health.
The elemental composition of the complex is a valuable find for men leading an overly active lifestyle, because. . . These vitamins to improve potency address several important issues through:
- restore metabolism;
- increased endurance and performance;
- neutralizes the effects of free radicals in the body;
- eliminate signs of chronic fatigue;
- regulates sleep and wake cycles.
Due to the presence of B vitamins, vitamin D, retinol, tocopherol, as well as trace elements: magnesium, copper, iron and others, there is a qualitative improvement in potency and, as a result, lifeMen's sexuality has increased markedly. in sexual desire.
The drug can be used continuously.
A healing complex that normalizes your worldview by improving physical health and is especially indicated for use before winter.
Increased potency is a result of the presence in the capsules:selenium, zinc, magnesium, iron, silicon, chromium, iodine, vitamin C, B vitamins, arginine and methionine, vitamins A and D.
Compared to other dietary supplements, it benefits from a maximum concentration of active ingredients, which is why allergic flare-ups are possible, which should definitely be considered by consumers at risk. Note such reactions.
A quality tested ingredient of the drug with a very descriptive name, which activates desire at an emotional level and strengthens men's health.
In addition to the generally accepted standards of biologically active ingredients, the preparation includesshellfish extract, yohimbe bark, ginseng root extract.
The presence of these foreign substances increases the synthesis of testosterone, which is the basis for a high-quality sex life. The complexity requires long-term use.
Vitamins for men with an excellent elemental composition, produced by an American company specializing in the production of sports nutrition, have won strong worldwide recognition among professional athletes andMen have the most active lifestyles.
This vitamin complex for men contains only organic ingredients, including:vitamins A, K, C, E, B6 and B12, oyster extract, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide.
Obviously, due to their ingredient composition for athletes, these vitamins are also effective when taken to enhance and even restore potency.
A good complex because it has no side effects and contraindications, which makes it a medicine that is taken for all health conditions and at any age, except for infants without teeth.
But along with this availability, it contains all the necessary elements to improve erection and increase potency, namely:mineral complex, including zinc; vitamins C, E, D3 and group B, retinol.
To improve the potency of this vitamin complexThe following properties are important:
- increased androgen production;
- improve mental state;
- slows down the aging process and the associated deterioration of organic processes, including sexual activity.
Based on scientific research and experiments, the rich composition of the complex not only regulates the overall improvement of all processes in the body, but also helps to enhance both libido and sexual function.
A vitamin complex is included in the ranking of the best vitamins for men due to the fact that many consumer reviews confirm the effectiveness of this drug in improving erection. This dietary supplement containsselenium, zinc, vitamins A and C, tocopherol.
The quantitative composition of the elements is selected so as to have a maximum impact on the sexual power of men, therefore, during the use of the complex, sexual desire in men is stimulated, the amountTestosterone increases and, as a result, the quality of sex improves.
It is better to discuss the use of this medicine with your doctor. In most cases, its use is indicated for patients suffering from certain sexual disorders, because. . . Its action is aimed at stabilizing processes in the field of human activity.
The recommended course of treatment is 2 months. Repeat appointments can only be made with the approval of the attending physician.
Vitamins are produced in two forms: tablets that are washed with water and effervescent tablets that are dissolved in water before drinking.
The rich composition of the complex makes it possible not only to use it to solve various health problems associated with the lack of vitamins and trace elements, but also to use it specifically to enhance potency inmale.
The complex contains many minerals, includingphosphorus, copper, manganese, molybdenum and others, as well as 10 different vitamins, including groups A, E and B.
The use of vitamins is reasonable in cases such as:
- mental or physical fatigue;
- restore the body after serious diseases;
- prevention of ARVI, flu and other colds;
- inadequate or unbalanced nutrition;
- maintain an overly active lifestyle;
- treatment of alcoholism.
A complex created especially for men to maintain a slim figure. The formula of this men's vitamin ingredient includes 18 vitamins and minerals in very precise proportions.
It should be noted the presence of trace elements such as zinc, which is especially important for men's sexual ability, as well as components that affect the activity of the prostate gland and increase the amount of testosterone and other substances. Other androgen hormones in the male body.
According to the manufacturer, the use of the complex helps to optimize the body's internal resources and strengthen the immune system, replenish energy and achieve increased energy levels, while activating the function of the brain and glandsprostate.
If we look at the ingredients of this product even more closely,It is possible to highlight the presence in its composition:
- B vitamins, participates in the process of red blood cell formation, increases the ability to digest food that the body absorbs, and maintains a healthy nervous system;
- retinol,tocopherol and ascorbic acid, which are powerful antioxidants that effectively prevent the harmful effects of free radicals, they also enhance immunity and inhibit degenerative processes in the human body;
- vitamin D, participates in the process of providing the necessary amount of testosterone to the male body;
- magnesium,helps normalize psychology, improve endurance and resistance to stress;
- chromium,affects the stability of blood sugar levels;
- copper,one of the main factors of hematopoiesis in the human body;
- calcium,with the help of blood pressure is normalized;
- choline and inositol, ensuring normal functioning of the liver and brain.
A preparation that helps activate the immune system and, indirectly, erectile function. By protecting against infections, this complex prevents the appearance of causes of reduced potency.
Main ingredient:ergocalciferol, folic and ascorbic acids, retinol.
This is a good vitamin complex for men with low sexual desire and general deterioration of health.
With all the vitamins available for men to improve potency, it is impossible to name one vitamin as the most effective and efficient.
According to reviews from men, take such drugs, they are quite effective if you need a momentary increase in potency or help get rid of minor disorders.
But with obvious symptoms of deep erectile dysfunction, vitamins cannot be used alone, but these drugs can be included in complex therapy to support the body when taking strong drugs.